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"Holding Out for a Hero" is the fourteenth episode of the eighth season of One Tree Hill and the 166th episode produced in the series. It was broadcast on February 8, 2011. Brooke, Quinn and Haley decide to use their talents for the greater good and help a young girl being bullied. Meanwhile, Julian takes on a directing job and helps out a friend, Chase mentors Chuck, and Nathan and his fellow classmate stand up to a bully of their own.


This episode opens with a comic book image of Brooke as "B-Dazzle" with a series of comic images that feature Clothes Over Bros. Brooke is fighting the people taking her company when she wakes up from the dream and hits Julian sleeping next to her. Julian calls Brooke his wife which makes Brooke all giddy. Julian gets out of bed as he has to go direct a commercial when Brooke tries to stop him because she doesn't have anything to do that day. Julian gives her a number of things she can do and she settles on watching Kick Ass again. Millie prepared breakfast for Skills and Mouth in honor of Mouth's first day back on TV. Millie says how Julian wouldn't have hired him for the commercial if he didn't believe in Mouth. Millie leaves as Skills asks Mouth when they are moving back in together. Mouth says that they are taking it slow but Skills says that they will end up taking things backwards. Mouth stops him and says that Skills shouldn't be giving out relationship advice because he wanted to propose to Deb, Nathan's mom, after their third date. Quinn is looking through the pictures she took at Brooke and Julian's wedding, "The Other Half of Me" when Clay sees and compliments her pictures. Clay says his favorite picture is the one he took of Millie falling as she was catching the bouquet. Quinn suggests that they do something fun and Clay says he knows just the thing. Professor Kellerman is staring up from a book during class and looking directly at Nathan and Tommy. Kellerman asks Tommy to answer him even though he didn't ask a question and continues to insult Tommy and it turns out to be a nightmare that Nathan had and is telling Clay about. Clay says that Nathan has to deal with Kellerman if he wants to become an agent. Alex walks into the studio at Red Bedroom Records to find Mia who tells her Mia isn't there and how they are still fighting over him because Alex kissed Chase in, "Lists, Plans". Alex points out that Mia slept with Chase at Brooke and Julian's wedding but she isn't looking for him. Alex says that she is looking for Haley because she wants to record a song at the studio. Mia laughs at her and says she can' sing and Alex repeats herself saying that this is why she wanted to talk to Haley. Mia shuts the door in Alex's face saying that Haley with think the same.

Julian and Mouth are talking about possible opportunities in the future for both of them if the commercial goes well as Mouth thanks him for the job. Someone comes up to them and says that there is a problem with the actor, Michael, as he doesn't know his lines. Mouth goes with him to fix the problem. At Tric, Chase is pouring someone a drink who starts to flirt with him. Mia comes to him and asks if they are okay since they haven't talked since the wedding. Chase says he just feels like he is no longer making a difference with his work as a bartender at Tric. Mia suggests that he volunteers as a way of helping people and making a difference. Brooke is playing with superhero figures when Haley walks in. Brooke says how bored she has been since not working and asks to join Haley at the crisis center to solve problems. Haley says she wanted to help people but spends most of her day playing Angry Birds. Haley and Brooke start to watch Kick Ass and wonder why their lives can't be more like it. Quinn barges into Alex's hotel room to talk. Alex tells Quinn how she wanted to be a singer before she started acting and now wants to record songs at Red Bedroom Records. She asks Quinn for a favor since Mia won't let her through if Quinn can ask Haley for her and Quinn agrees. In Nathan's class, Kellerman is giving Tommy a hard time and starts making fun of his weight. Nathan fires back at Kellerman, standing up for Tommy, and Kellerman ends the class. Tommy thanks Nathan and invites him to a study group later on that evening and asks Nathan if he can host. Chase goes to Chuck's house and picks him up acting as his "big brother" for the day. Chuck asks him what they are doing and Chase suggests going on a plane ride around Tree Hill. Haley is picking up her mail when Brooke comes up behind her with costumes she made. They go inside Haley's home to try them on and they end up being superhero costumes to which Haley immediately says no to.

Brooke is upset that Haley said no before even listening to her idea. Brooke suggests that they should be superheroes for the day and wants Haley to be her sidekick. Quinn walks in and Brooke asks her how much she heard and keeps Quinn from leaving. Millie visits Mouth on set with lunch and he brings up the conversation Skills and him had earlier about moving back in with Millie. Millie asks what he told Skills and Mouth says that they are taking things slow and Millie agrees but leaves right away. Julian asks what happened and Mouth says he basically just told Millie he didn't want to live with her. Quinn asks Brooke and Haley what was going on and Brooke tells her they are Tree Hill's newest superheroes. Brooke asks her to join and Quinn agrees and then asks Haley to find them a problem at the crisis center and leaves to make Quinn's outfit. Chase asks Chuck why he thinks he decided to be a "big brother" to which Chuck says that he has no friends and gut punches Chase. Chase tells Chuck that he has always wanted to become a pilot ever since he was a little kid and Chuck says that his dad told him it's better to be the one who hires someone to fly him. His dad told Chuck it makes someone more important. Back at Haley's, Quinn is trying to convince Haley to partake in the superhero spirit. Haley asks why Quinn came to see her and Quinn asks Haley if Alex could record at the studio. Haley is shocked to know that Alex sings and asks why Alex didn't ask her. Quinn tells her how Alex tried but Mia chased her away. Haley agrees but is upset that Mia kept Alex from recording as they have been having issues with finding artists and says she will talk to Mia. Downstairs, Nathan is hosting the study group with some classmates including Tommy and they are all talking about how rude Kellerman is. Chase is dropping off Chuck and Chuck gut punches Chase before running into his house. Haley is answering a call at the crisis center and on the line is a young girl, looking for someone to talk to. This girl tells Haley how there are girls at her school that keep bullying her and it's hard for her to handle. Haley asks the girl if she has told anyone and the girl says how it doesn't help. Haley suggests that she could intervene by talking to the school or to the girls that are bullying. The girl denies this and says she really just wanted someone to talk to and thanks Haley for listening and hangs up. Haley starts to chant a superhero theme song and includes her name in it.

Chuck leaves his house to find Chase out by his car. Chuck is confused as to why Chase showed up since he has the impression from his dad that guys tend to leave each other hanging. Chase tells Chuck he wouldn't do that to anyone and says he should tell his mom that he is taking Chuck for the day. Chuck denies it and quickly hops into Chase's car. Haley goes to Brooke's and walks into her kitchen finding Quinn and Brooke fighting each other with kitchen utensils. Haley tells them that a girl called the crisis center the night before and suggests that all 3 of them should help her. Brooke and Quinn squeal in joy and Brooke asks them all to call her "B-Dazzle". Quinn tells them to call her "Shudder Bug" because she blinds people with her flash and collects the photos she takes as trophies. Brooke tells Haley that she is "Baby Mama". After hearing all of this, Haley starts to change her mind when Brooke asks who the girl is. Haley tells them the story the girl told her. Julian and Mouth are waiting for their actor who is late to show up for the commercial. Mouth points out to Julian that it must be hard for him going from directing real actors to dealing with lazy ones. Julian says he still gets to do what he loves and gets to go home at a decent time with someone he loves. Julian then asks Mouth how it is going with Millie and he tells him that Millie didn't stay the night and says its probably for the best they are taking things slow. Julian then asks Mouth if he has seen his and Brooke's wedding photos. Julian pulls up the photo of Millie catching the bouquet and asks Mouth if it looks like she wants to take things slow. Someone from the crew interrupts and tells Julian that their actor has quit. Mouth wonders why the guy quit and begins to explain the importance of the role and how it relates to his own life. Julian smiles at Mouth and the crew. Haley, Brooke, and Quinn find the Facebook page the girl's bullies made. They are looking through some of the comments and get really upset about the comments about this girl being adopted. Brooke says how Peyton was adopted and that she might adopt a kid. Quinn finds a comment about the bullies planning on ambushing the girl after school. Haley says they should call the school and Quinn says they should all show up and face the "villans". Brooke and Quinn make the argument that the bullies are "bitches" that need to be dealt with and they ask Haley if she would let the bullying continue as a previous teacher.

Alex goes back to Red Bedroom as Mia is tuning a guitar. Alex tries to talk to Mia about the issues they have had but suggests that they start over on a professional level. Mia makes the argument that Alex isn't a musician but an actress who is just pretending to be one. Alex points out the fact that Mia hasn't even heard her sing to which Mia makes fun of her voice in general when she speaks, saying that it is too whiney. Alex compliments her anyway saying that she thinks Mia is a great musician and goes into the studio anyway. Haley goes into Jamie's room and finds him playing video games. Haley asks Jamie if he gets picked on at school and Jamie responds telling her no and asks her if someone said something. Haley tells Jamie about the girl who called her and how sad it made her so she wanted to make sure no one was bullying Jamie. Jamie tells her that no one does anymore but Chuck use to. Haley then remembers talking to Chuck's mom about it in "Messin' with the Kid". Jamie laughs and then says how Nathan showed up with capes for everyone that Brooke made. Jamie says how Nathan was like a superhero that day and how Chuck and him have been friends ever since. Nathan is talking to Clay about standing up to bullies as he believes it is the only way to stop them. Clay says Nathan is right but he might be sacrificing too much. Nathan says how he just wants to put Kellerman in his place. Kellerman is giving a lecture about not trusting people with contracts and Nathan shakes his head throughout this lecture. Kellerman notices this and singles him out, asking why he disagrees. Nathan says how he knows an agency that doesn't work selfishly like that. Kellerman asks Nathan about the agency and someone answers him from the very back of the class. Clay is in the class and answered Kellerman, telling him the name of his agency, Fortitude. He goes on to telling the class that their agency is all about integrity which is the most important part of business. He also tells Kellerman and everyone else about how Troy Jameson signed with them because he knew that Fortitude had his back. He argues that creating relationships are more important than contracts. Kellerman then makes the argument that business contracts and personal relationships can't mix and do not work because of people. Kellerman then calls Clay "inexperienced" and tells him that he should just keep business what it is and that he should know because he wrote a book about it and has taught business classes for over 20 years. Clay then says how he never wrote a book because he has actually been working in the business world and knows the difference between book theory and real world practice. Clay tells Kellerman how he is teaching theories but Clay is living practice. Clay says how Kellerman's book works within the class but walking out into the real world, only relationships created within businesses are going to last and survive.

Brooke is walking out to the car in her superhero costume as Quinn takes pictures of her. Brooke asks where "Baby Mama" is and Quinn starts to say how she doesn't think Haley is coming and that she is also reconsidering it because they are in Halloween costumes but then Haley enters the car and they drive away. Alex is playing her guitar and singing in the studio with a staff member listening and recording behind the glass. Mia is there but isn't listening to Alex. The staff member grabs headphones and gives them to Mia telling her she should listen and Mia takes them and puts them on. Mouth became the actor in Julian's commercial which ended up promoting THC, Tree Hill College. The commercial is done and the entire crew and Julian applaud Mouth. Chase and Chuck are still hanging out and Chase just landed the plane. Chase starts to talk about his memories with his dad and asks Chuck if he will tell his dad about what him and Chase flew in today. Chuck says he won't because his dad lives out of town and they do not talk that much. Chase asks Chuck how often he sees his dad and Chuck tells him that he was supposed to see him last summer but missed him because his dad went to a concert instead. Chase asks if Chuck does anything fun with his mom and Chuck tells him that she works a lot and he only sees her for dinner and he invites Chase. Chase says he can't but that Chuck should spend it with his mom anyway.

The girl that Haley spoke to at the crisis center is cornered by 3 girls who are calling her names and bullying her. The girl asks them to leave her alone when Brooke, Haley, and Quinn show up in their superhero costumes. Quinn introduces themselves by their superhero names and tells the 3 bullies that they are protecting the girl from them. The bullies say how the girl found 3 losers bigger than her and Brooke beings to insult all three of them. Haley recognizes one of the bullies from when she was a teacher at Tree Hill high school. Haley points out how this girl used to get picked on but is now bullying someone else and threatens her future at Princeton. Haley then recognizes all of the bullies and then tells them all to leave the girl alone or she will talk to the school. Quinn begins taking pictures of the bullies and then the bullies decide to leave. Quinn tells them to take down the website or she will post the photos she took of them, which are all from bad angles. The girl who was being bullied recognizes Haley and asks her why she is there. Haley reassures her that things will get better and how she used to be bullied herself. Haley tells her how someone will accept her one day and asks if she will be okay. The girl that was bullied says she will be and asks Haley, Brooke, and Quinn for a favor.

Clay and Nathan are in the car stopped at a red light talking about Clay's grand appearance and throwdown in Kellerman's class. Clay reassures Nathan that he is smarter than Kellerman thinks he is and thanks Clay for what he did. Clay and Nathan look up to find Haley, Brooke, and Quinn crossing the street in costumes. Brooke sprays liquid smoke at them and they run across the street as Nathan and Clay start laughing. Chase is dropping off Chuck who thanks him for hanging out and hugs him instead of gut punching him. Chuck's mom comes out and says how he recognizes Chase and calls him her bartender. Chuck corrects his mom calling him a bar manager and how Chase is also a pilot. Chase says that he is Chuck's pilot and how he guesses it makes Chuck really important. Chase then joins all of them for dinner. Alex is putting her guitar away at the studio when Mia walks in. Mia says how Alex sucks as a person but as a musician she is good. Alex appreciates it anyway and says it means a lot coming from her. Mia says how she was given the chance to sing but hasn't been doing much lately. Instead, she has been fighting with Alex and trying to win Chase back. Alex apologizes and Mia tells her it isn't her fault because she has let herself become an unhappy girl that she used to be. Mia says how watching Alex in the studio reminded her of how she feels when she sings. Mia says how she misses it, loves it, and needs to get back to it and decides she might go on tour for a while and encourages Alex to keep singing.

Mouth and Millie are having dinner and Millie toasts Mouth to getting back on TV. Mouth says that it felt good because he couldn't wait to tell Millie about it. Mouth tells her he was scared of messing things up if they moved back in together but says how he was more scared of the fact that she didn't stay over the night before. Mouth says how she has been over every night already and they practically lived together but living without her is what scared him. Mouth says he is done with taking things slow and wants Millie to move in right away. Haley enters her bedroom with her superhero costume on to find Nathan in bed reading. Haley asks Nathan if he told Jamie and Nathan says he told him his mom and her friends went around town pretending to be superheroes. Haley told Nathan how she has been having trouble at the crisis center and wanted to help a girl that was being bullied but that the costumes were Brooke's idea. Nathan says that while Haley was out, Erin called wanting to thank Haley for everything she did for her because she is now visiting her family in Ireland. Haley is so happy and relieved to hear that and Nathan says how Haley was already a hero, even without the costume. Haley says she will get up and tries to twirl and nearly falls when Nathan jumps out of bed to help her. Nathan calls her "Super Haley" and tells her to be careful. Clay calls out for Quinn saying he needs a hero to solve the crossword puzzle he is doing when Quinn enters in full costume. Clay asks her if they had fun and Quinn says they did but it was about seeking justice. Clay then tells her how he also did something heroic but didn't look as sexy as Quinn did doing so, Quinn disagrees with this. Julian comes home and tells Brooke the commercial was a success and asks Brooke if she did anything fun. Brooke says she didn't do anything out of the ordinary and winks at the camera.

Memorable Quotes[]

"Was I sleep fighting again?"
" Yes! No more Kick Ass for my wife before bed."
"You said wife. I love hearing that."
Brooke Davis and Julian Baker

"The last evil villain that you fought shot you and put in a coma."
"Hmmm, she's right. You survived a gunshot and a coma...You're indestructible."
" YES!"
Haley James Scott, Brooke Davis, and Quinn James Evans talk about becoming superheros.

"They used to call me Wailey. Wailey Haley."
Haley James Scott

"Home made liquid smoke. That was supposed to... spread better."
Brooke Davis


There are people in this world who would rather destroy than create. Rather take then give. These people must be stopped. Evil lurks behind every door in Tree Hill. Stay tuned loyal viewers to 'B-Dazzled'. Tune in next week loyal viewers. Same OTH time. Same OTH channel."

Brooke Davis


Featured Music:

  • Bound & Gagged by Extreme Production Music
  • Colors by Grace Potter & The Nocturnals
  • Enjoy The Ride by Extreme Production Music
  • Eyes by Peter Bjorn and John
  • I Won't Give Up by Jana Kramer
  • In The Fall by Red Cortez
  • Push Back by Another Cynthia
  • Say For Certain by Generationals
  • Second Mind by Adam Haworth Stephens
  • Sweet Mystery by Shannon Labrie
  • Switchblade by Jenny and Johnny
  • You Are by The Daylights

This episode is named after a song from Footloose, interpreted by Bonnie Tyler. Opening theme song performed by SO & SO.


  • This is the first episode to credit Stephen Colletti (Chase Adams) as part of the main cast.
  • Quinton Aaron guest stars in this episode as Tommy, a classmate of Nathan's.
  • As Nathan recounts a fantasised interaction with Kellerman to Clay, Clay comments that Nathan is quoting lines from ‘Animal House’. National Lampoon’s Animal House is a 1978 college comedy film starring Peter Reigert (the actor who portrays Kellerman).
