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Sam and Lil are the parents of the late Sara Evans. Upon their daughter's marriage to Clay Evans, they became his parents-in-law and eventually grandparents to Sara and Clay's son, Logan Evans. After their daughter's death prior to the seventh season, Clay fell into a deep depression, thereby placing Logan in Sam and Lil's care.

During the ninth season, Clay recovered his memories of his son and returned to claim custody of him. Afterward, Logan went to live with Clay and his girlfriend, Quinn James. After their marriage, Quinn adopted Logan as her own son, though it can be assumed they maintained a close relationship with Sam and Lil. ("Danny Boy")

Character arc[]


Sam and Lil had only one daughter, Sara Evans. During their daughter's twenties, she married sports agent Clay Evans and later gave birth to a son, Logan. Unfortunately, Sara died when she was only 25. Her husband Clay was so shocked and sad by her death and was so stuck in his own grief, that he completely blocked out their child, who was only an infant by the time she passed away. Since Clay was obviously unable to care for his son, Sam and his wife decided to take their grandson with them to raise him.

Season 9[]

At one point this season, Clay ends up in the hospital after being shot along with his girlfriend, Quinn James, by Logan's mother's clone, Katie Ryan. At first, Clay is obviously unaware of his relationship to the child. After seeing his son in the hospital, Clay has flashbacks, and his memory suddenly returns, like a raging river, and Clay remembers everything about Logan. The child obviously returns to his grandparents, but Clay goes to see them and asks them if they hate him for Sara's death and abandoning his own son. Sam and Lil answer no. Clay comes back and asks if he can take Logan with him. At first they say no, because they are worried about Clay's health and mental stability, but later, after Clay shows that he really wants to take care of his son, the couple decides to accept. After this discussion, the two no longer appear on screen.


  • On her gravestone, Sara's full name revealed as Sara Kay Evans. However, it is unknown whether "Kay" was her middle name or her maiden name.
    • While it is not confirmed within the series, if Kay was Sara's maiden name, this would also be Sam and Lil's surname.