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"The Other Half of Me" is the thirteenth episode of the eighth season of One Tree Hill and the 165th episode produced of the series. It was broadcast on February 1, 2011. Brooke and Julian's wedding day is finally here. Dreams become reality, secrets are revealed and wedding hookups are inevitable.


This episode opens with a scene of Brooke's childhood. Brooke is sitting on her front door steps outside the red door with her parents inside, arguing with each other. Younger Brooke walks out to the sidewalk when a newly wed couple, driving in their car is passing by. The bride sees younger Brooke and throws her veil out to her. She grabs it and looks up and sees present day Brooke in her car. Brooke is looking at her childhood home remembering the day a newly wed bride gave her hope for her own wedding day. Julian wakes up in the Scott residence to find Chester on his chest. Jamie walks in and apologizes because he told Chester Julian and Brooke are getting married and Chester is not taking it well since he has always had a thing for Brooke. Jamie finds a half of a bumper car token on his nightstand and asks where the other half is, thinking it is with Brooke. Julian says it is with a different girl he met at a county fair that he went on a number of rides with when he was Jamie's age. He keeps it as a reminder of his first ever crush. Julian asks Jamie if he has ever had that feeling and Jamie responds saying he thinks Madison is cool. Julian says how at the end of the night of the county fair, him and this girl only had one token left and split it in half. Julian says the token is also a reminder that there is someone out there for him, his other half. Jamie and Nathan are shooting the basketball around when Nathan asks if Jamie has written his best-man speech yet. Jamie didn't know he had to write one and says he hasn't yet when Julian walks up. Nathan asks if he is nervous about his wedding day and he jokes about not remembering as Nathan and Jamie stand in silence, lol. Julian hands Jamie an envelope he wants him to give to Brooke since he can't see her until the reception. Nathan passes Julian the basketball to shoot it and he makes it saying that it is his lucky day.

At Brooke's, Haley is waking up and walks out into the kitchen to find Brooke eating breakfast. Haley compliments Brooke's mattress saying how comfortably she slept from the night before. Brooke mentions how she used to drag Sam out of that room and Haley says she doesn't understand why. Brooke gifts Haley a necklace with a picture of Jamie in it and the other side empty for when her daughter comes into the world. Haley thanks Brooke for the necklace when there is a knock at the door. Brooke answers it and finds Jamie on "official best-man business" giving Brooke the letter Julian requested Jamie to give to her. Haley says hi and Jamie reveals he knows about the speech. Haley figures out that Nathan told him and asks if Jamie is ready. Jamie says maybe and Haley asks what he is going to say. Jamie says that they will all like his speech more than Haley's. Brooke opens the letter from Julian to find a disc titled "The Moment I Fell In Love With You." Brooke inserts the disc into the CD player when the song, "Don't You (Forget About Me) by Simple Minds starts playing. Brooke starts dancing and tells Haley this is the song that was playing when Brooke was drawing in her store one day and Julian walked in on her in the episode, "You Have to Be Joking (Autopsy Of The Devil's Brain)."

Antown is giving Mouth and Chase a pep talk about how they are all in charge of security for Julian and Brooke's wedding, Antwon forbids any of them to drink while they are on duty for the wedding. Antwon mentions how something bad always happens at Tree Hill weddings but that all of them are going to prevent something bad from happening. Victoria shows up at Brooke's with a gift, looking for her daughter when Haley answers the door. Haley invites her in as Brooke is walking into the living room. Brooke asks what she can do for her and Victoria gives her the gift. Inside is the veil seen at the beginning of the episode. Brooke is in disbelief that Victoria kept the veil and Victoria says how she remembered the night Brooke found it. She says how Brooke brought it to her and told her mom that she was going to have one of her own someday. Then Brooke also remembers what Victoria said to her when she brought it and Victoria told Brooke to never get married because it will ruin her life. Victoria remembers this and says it was a good idea of Brooke to stop taking her advice. Victoria leaves and heads to the church. At the church, Quinn is taking some photos of Alex on her computer and asks Alex if she is ready for the wedding and tells her there will be a lot of single guys there. Alex says she doesn't think she will go because Chase and Mia will be there as well and she doesn't want to get involved in another awkward situation and she is tired of embarrassing herself with Chase. Quinn reminds her that it isn't about that but about her good friend who is getting married and that Julian would want her there. Alex is looking through pictures Quinn took in Africa when Quinn asks if Alex can keep a secret. Alex goes on a rampage about her history of being terrible at keeping secrets and Quinn says it is more serious than that. Quinn goes to a picture of Katie Ryan and tells Alex about how she was watching Katie and Katie found out and came back to Tree Hill in "Darkness On The Edge of Town" to kill Quinn. Alex assumes that Clay doesn't know about it and Quinn confirms it. Alex says that if Quinn is feeling guilty, she should just tell Clay the truth and reassures her that everything will be okay. Quinn thanks Alex and says how she has been carrying it around and thinks it is important to tell Clay the truth. Alex then jokes about how she might accidentally tell Clay later.

At the Scott residence, Nathan and Jamie have suits on and are all ready to go when Nathan asks If Jamie's speech is done. Jamie asks to read it to Nathan and opens it up very professionally. Nathan stops him and says it sounds a little grown up and Jamie tells him that is what he was going for because he doesn't want to sound like a kid. Nathan tells Jamie to think about how much Brooke and Julian mean to him and put it into his speech. Jamie asks if he should leave out jokes and Nathan says that he should because Haley learned her lesson at Peyton Sawyer and Lucas Scott's wedding in "Forever and Almost Always." Nathan then tells Jamie how Lucas would start his speeches with a quote from one of his favorite authors and encourages Jamie to use that to help him get his feelings across. At the church, Antwon, Chase, and Mouth are waiting for the wedding to start when Chase finds milk in the cooler of Antwon's car in disbelief that they can't drink. Mouth says how weddings are supposed to be fun and Antwon says that it is their job to make sure everyone else has fun. Julian arrives and asks the guys if everything is okay. Antwon then address Julian as Julian Norris, his name before he changed it to Julian Baker. Julian then asks if he ran a background check on him and Antwon says he did a Google search. Julian then asks to attend his own wedding as Skills is keeping him from going. Antwon then says that he doesn't trust Julian. Haley is helping with Brooke's hair as Haley calls her the most beautiful bride ever. Haley says how beautiful even her wedding dress will look on her and starts tearing up. Brooke tells her not to cry because then she will start crying. Brooke and Haley both start crying when they repeat the fact that Brooke is getting married today.

At the church, Mouth and Skills are greeting and checking everyone walking in. Skills is using a metal detector on an older man that goes off a lot. Skills asks what he is hiding and says that he is watching him. Mouth tells him the older man has an artificial hip and that Skills is starting to get out of hand. Mouth says how old the man is and says that Skills is loosing it. Millie shows up and Mouth says how beautiful she looks as Skills asks her where her invitation is. Millie says she left it at home and as Skills is trying to kick her out, Mouth stands up and says he can vouch for his girlfriend and Skills lets her in. Julian, Paul Norris, and Sylvia Baker are all trying to take a picture together but are struggling to do so. Sylvia complains about the lighting while Paul makes fun of Sylvia's age. The two continue to fight until Julian puts an end to it. Julian says how he has spent his entire life listening to his parents fight about nothing and everything and asks them to spend the next few hours at least pretending to like each other. Sylvia and Paul agree and all three of them finally get a good picture together. Alex shows up to the wedding and finds Chase and Mia talking to each other. Alex compliments them both and says how Chase and Mia always made a good couple. Mia says that they are just friends and Chase walks Alex into the church to find her seat. As they are walking toward her seat, Chase asks Alex what side she wants to sit on and Alex responds asking what side Chase and Mia are sitting on. Chase points to a side and tells Alex that him and Mia are just friends when Alex chooses to sit on the other side. Victoria and Brooke are taking pictures together when Quinn says she will take a few more and then some with Brooke's dad. Victoria says how it is not a surprise Brooke's dad isn't there yet. Victoria leaves and Brooke turns to Quinn telling her that her dad will be there. Alex looks over to find Mia and Chase sitting next to each other and Quinn takes pictures of this. Jamie and Skills are talking when Sylvia walks by and Skills says how hot she looks. Jamie then asks Skills why he doesn't have a date and Skills says how you aren't supposed to have a date at a wedding. Jamie then says how he actually has a date and reveals it to be Madison, waving at Jamie. Haley walks in to find Brooke and says she came in to tell Brooke she loves her. Brooke asks her not to make her cry again and then asks what she thinks about how she looks. Haley says that she is the perfect bride and Brooke thanks her and tells her she loves her as well. Victoria walks in to tell Brooke that her dad is not coming to the wedding and Brooke asks what they should do. Victoria says how they are going to do what they always do.

The ceremony beings with Haley walking down the aisle first. Julian then turns to Jamie and tells him he thinks Madison has a crush on him and gifts him the half token. Julian says he doesn't need it anymore because he found his other half as Brooke makes her way down the aisle with her mother by her side. Flashbacks of Julian and Brooke's love story start to play. Jamie then says that Brooke looks like an angel and Julian says it is why he is not nervous. Quinn is taking pictures of Brooke as she makes her way down the aisle and then pictures of Brooke and Julian meeting each other at the altar. The preacher starts the ceremony and Julian starts with his vows to Brooke. Brooke follows with her vows and Sylvia starts crying as Paul gives her a tissue. They both say their "I Dos" and give each other the rings. The preacher makes the "speak now" speech when Skills stands up and refuses anyone to say anything. Everyone starts laughing as Chase says bam to Skills. The preacher proceeds on and declares Julian and Brooke husband and wife and they kiss. After the ceremony, Haley is impatiently waiting for Brooke and is wondering where her and Julian are because Brooke hasn't seen the decorations they have put together yet. She turns to Nathan and asks about Jamie's speech and Nathan refuses to get in the middle. The DJ then introduces Brooke and Julian for the first time as husband and wife to the dance floor. They have their first dance together and tell each other they will figure out marriage together. Skills then talks at the bar with Chase, Mia, Millie, and Mouth how it is the first wedding to not go wrong in Tree Hill and how it is time to have slutty wedding sex and goes looking for Sylvia. The bartender gives Mia and Chase a drink called the blue ninja and tells him to enjoy the buzz. Chase claims it is his line and everyone says how much better the drink is then Chase's usually disappointing drinks. Alex is sitting by herself when Quinn and Millie encourage her to go talk to a guy and Millie encourages her to make Chase jealous since he came with Mia. Alex corrects her and says that Chase and Mia came as friends and Millie says that they might end up having slutty wedding sex. Millie apologizes and says she is drunk along with the fact that at every wedding, someone has slutty wedding sex. Alex tells Millie to go get it on with her boyfriend because she doesn't believe Chase is going to do it with Mia in some closet.

The DJ announces that the dance floor be cleared for the mother and son and father and daughter dance. Julian apologizes to Brooke as Sylvia takes his hand away and Brooke is about to sit down when Paul asks her to dance. Brooke thanks Paul for doing that and Paul says that she is basically his daughter now. Brooke then tells Paul as they are dancing that her dad promised he would be there for Brooke on her wedding day. Paul says that he is sure her dad meant it when he said it and that she should take it from a father who knows what it is like to let their child down and says that her dad already regrets not being there. Julian thanks his mom for everything she did for him and Brooke for their wedding and for being civil with Paul. Sylvia says how it is not that bad even if she wants to rip his head off every time he opens his mouth but she is reminded that he is the guy who gave her the best gift in the world, her son. Jamie is practicing his speech as Haley walks over and asks if Jamie is ready. Jamie responds questioning if anyone will like his speech. Haley tells him that everyone will love his speech and Jamie says that he keeps reading it and doesn't think it is any good and doesn't want to mess things up for Julian. Haley tells Jamie that Julian picked him as his best-man because of how much he loves Jamie and that a speech isn't going to change that. Haley suggests that he should give his speech but that if he doesn't like it still, he can always tell a story about Julian. The DJ calls up the best-man to give his speech and Jamie takes a deep breath with his mom and high-fives Julian before he goes up to start his speech. Jamie starts his speech off with a quote from J.K. Rowling and looks at the rest of his speech and sets it down. Jamie goes on to tell the story about the token-half from the county fair. He talks about how Julian gave Jamie the token for Jamie to keep. Haley is next for her speech and talks about the time her and Brooke first hung out and how Brooke ended up calling her "Brooke" instead of "Haley" because she didn't like Haley's name in "Every Night Is Another Story". She goes on to say that she got a glimpse of the real Brooke and saw it in the eyes. She says how they became friends that night and have become best friends and have been through so much together. She tells her how much she loves her and ends her speech. The DJ asks the single ladies to the dance floor for Brooke to throw her bouquet. Clay takes the camera from Quinn and encourages her to join them. Brooke throws it and the girl who catches it leaps in the air and falls down. The girl ends up being Millie and Clay took pictures of the entire catch and fall.

Clay says how nice it is to see Quinn having fun and Quinn tells him how they got their lives back. Quinn tells Clay that it was her fault Katie came back and Clay responds saying that it was his fault. Quinn denies it and tells Clay the truth about how she didn't come home right away because she found Katie and watched her. Quinn tells him how Katie found out and came back to Tree Hill because of her. Clay asks her why she didn't tell him and Quinn says she was probably afraid of what he would say but wanted him to know and apologizes. Clay says how Quinn has been through so much and how it all started with him and Katie. He says how he could have lost Quinn forever and that it isn't something he could live with. Quinn says that she promises to always be honest with him and Clay apologizes about her having to go through all of it. Brooke and Julian are getting ready to leave as Skills walks to the limo to open the door. When he does, it reveals Chase and Mia hooking up inside. Everyone is disgusted and shocked at the same time especially Alex who leaves at the site of it. Brooke and Julian walk out to the limo saying goodbye to all of their family and friends when Skills suggest they take the truck instead that he decorated in case someone stole the limo and drove it off a bridge like in "The Show Must Go On". Julian thanks him and says that he did great work and Brooke and Julian head off toward the truck. Quinn goes back inside to check on Alex. Quinn sits down next to her as Alex tells her how she didn't expect it but at the same time, she expected it. Quinn apologizes to her and Alex says that she was right, the night wasn't about Chase and Mia but about Brooke and Julian and she is happy she was there for them. Quinn tells her that any guy would be lucky to be with her, bringing Alex to tears. Haley finds Jamie half-asleep inside and tells him how great his speech was. She tells him how proud she is of him and how proud his sister is of him as well, revealing the gender of Haley's second child to Jamie. Haley asks him if it is okay and Jamie says he hopes his sister is just like his mom. Julian and Brooke are driving away to go on their honeymoon in the truck when Brooke says that they made it. Julian asks if "Mrs. Baker" is okay and Brooke says that she is so happy and calls Julian "Mr. Davis".

Memorable Quotes[]

"But sweetie, you know this isn't a competition right?"
"Okay good. Just remember that when they like my speech more."
Haley James Scott and Jamie Scott

"Why are you dancing like that Brooke?"
"Because this dance is what made an amazing man fall in love with me!"
Haley James Scott and Brooke Davis

"Everything okay?"
"You tell me, Julian Baker or is it, Julian Norris. Bam!"
"Bam? Well yes, Skills, I was born Julian Norris and then I changed my last name to Baker."
"Running from the past?"
"Did you do a background check on me?"
"Google search, advanced settings. You know a few years back there was a wedding here in Tree Hill. The bride really wasn't who she said she was. A lot of good people got hurt that day."
Julian Baker and Antwon Taylor

"Brooke, before I met you I thought my world had everything I needed to be happy. I had nothing else to compare it to, then you walked into my life and everything changed. I realized how empty my world was without you in it, and my old life was no longer capable of making me happy... not without you. I love everything about you, Brooke. I love the way you challenged me like no one ever has. I love the way you look at me like no one ever has, and I love the way you love me like no one ever has. I can't imagine spending my life without you, and if you say "yes" to me in a few minutes, I won't have to. You look beautiful by the way."
"Julian, before I met you my world revolved around one thing... me. And I liked it that way on my own, but then I met you and you saw through the façade. You saw me. You've taught me to trust, how to let someone in, and what it truly means to fall in love. I can't possibly describe how much I love you, so I'll tell you why I love you. You see the world in a way that no one else does and you appreciate everything, including me. There's no one in the world like you, and if you say "yes" in a few minutes, I'll get to spend the rest of my life trying to see the world through your eyes, appreciating everything, including you... the most unique, wonderful, and terribly handsome man I have ever met."
Julian Baker and Brooke Davis pronouncing their wedding vows

"Don't nobody say nothing!"
Antwon Taylor

"J.K. Rowling once wrote: ‘The consequences of our actions are so complicated, so diverse that predicting the future is very difficult business indeed’. J.K Rowling was right. But what most of you don't know is Julian was able to do it. He knew a long time a go that he would find Brooke. When Julian was my age, which was a very, very, very, very long time ago, he went to a county fair, and he met a girl... not Brooke. But they went on a bunch of rides together, including the Octopus. Irrelevant to the story. But that night, Julian felt a crush for the first time, a real crush. Relax, Aunt Brooke. He was my age. So at the end of the night, they decided to break this bumper-car token in half. Julian kept his other half all these years, not because he missed the girl, but because he knew somewhere out there was the other half, his perfect match. And he was right. Today Julian married my Aunt Brooke. She's probably the coolest girl I know and the girl Julian's been waiting for since he broke this bumper- car token in half a long time ago at the county fair. And today Julian gave me this token. He said he didn't need it anymore because he found his other half. Congratulations, Julian. I thin it was worth the wait."
Jamie Scott

"Well, when I first met Brooke Davis, she had no idea who I was. Of course everyone knew who she was, she was the most popular girl in school. She was head cheerleader, annoyingly pretty (still is), and I used to wonder back then 'What would it be like to be friends with Brooke? Would she make me popular? Would all the boys start asking me out?' And then one night I got to hang out with Brooke, all night. Oh, and she didn't like my name, though, so she decided she was going to give me a name that, uh, she did like, which ended up being Brooke. And from that moment I knew that I wanted Brooke to be my friend. Not because she was going to make me popular, and not because boys would start asking me out, but because I got a glimpse of the real Brooke. A girl with the biggest heart that I have ever known. And you know, when you're in high school, it's not very easy to let people see who you really are. I could see it though, it was in the eyes. So we became friends, and now she's my best friend. We've been through so much together over the years, and our friendship is still growing. So I know that your friendship and love for Julian will continue to grow every year for the rest of your lives and I feel so lucky to be a part of that. I love you, Brooke Davis."
Haley James Scott

"Hey, sleepy. You did great tonight."
"You think it was okay?"
"Okay? I have heard a lot of best man speeches in my life and yours was by far the sweetest, most hones, and most memorable. I have never been so proud of you. And you know what? Your little sister would be proud, too."
"I'm going to have a little sister?"
"Is that okay?"
"Yeah. I hope she's just like you, mom."
Haley James Scott and Jamie Scott


Featured Music:

  • Coming Home by The Dimes
  • Don't You Forget About Me by Simple Minds
  • I Do by Susie Suh
  • Love Can Make You New by JJ Heller
  • Marry Me by Train
  • Michigan by Derby
  • Must Be Love by Jake Smith
  • My Best Friend by Kate York
  • My Baby by Julia Stone
  • Sights and Sounds by The Rocketboys
  • Sweet And Low (Acoustic) by Augustana
  • Thought You Knew by Melanoid
  • You Are The Best Thing by Ray Lamontagne

This episode is named after a song by Within Temptation. Opening theme song performed by Augustana.


  • This episode features Brooke and Julian’s wedding.
  • At a french convention for One Tree HillHilarie Burton stated that she was not asked to return for this episode. She said the same thing in the podcast she hosts along with their co-stars Sophia Bush and Bethany Joy Lenz, Drama Queens, but she also stated that she would have wanted to come back because it did not make sense to her for Peyton not to come back for Brooke’s wedding.

Episode References[]

  • The song, "Don't You (Forget About Me)" that played the moment Julian started to fall for Brooke is referenced and played again in this episode ("You Have to Be Joking (Autopsy Of The Devil's Brain")
  • The night Katie Ryan came back to Tree Hill after finding out Quinn was watching her is revisited several times in this episode ("Darkness on The Edge of Town")
  • Peyton and Lucas' wedding is referenced when Nathan uses it as an example of not to make jokes at a wedding, something Haley learned in that episode ("Forever and Almost Always")
  • Several episodes are referenced in regard to the Brulian love story as Brooke makes her way down the aisle to marry Julian.
  • While working as security detail, Skills recalls the bad events that have happened at past weddings, such as people lying about who they are, getting left at the altar, kidnappings and stealing the wedding limo and driving off a bridge. ("Somewhere A Clock Is Ticking", "Hundred", "The Show Must Go On")
  • In Haley's maid-of-honor speech for Brooke, she mentions the first time they hung out when Brooke decided she didn't like Haley's name, so she gave Haley a new name that she did like which was "Brooke" ("Every Night Is Another Story")
