One Tree Hill Wiki
One Tree Hill Wiki

The Tree Hill Ravens are the official mascot and sports team for the athletics department at Tree Hill High School in Tree Hill, North Carolina.


To be expanded.

Basketball team[]

Main article: Tree Hill Ravens basketball

Boys' varsity basketball[]

Brian "Whitey" Durham (seasons 1–4)
Daniel "Dan" Scott (substitute; season 1)
Lucas Scott and Antoine "Skills" Taylor (seasons 5–6)
Daniel "Dan" Scott (pre-series; late 1980s)
Nathan Scott (seasons 1–4)
Lucas Scott (co-captain; seasons 3–4)
Brian "Whitey" Durham #1 (pre-series; 1950s)
Daniel "Dan" Scott #33 (pre-series; late 1980s)
Keith Scott #22 (pre-series; late 1980s)
Jake Jagielski #00 (season 1)
Lucas Scott #3, later #22 (seasons 1–4)
Nathan Scott #23 (seasons 1–4)
Timothy "Tim" Smith #55, later #0 (seasons 1–3)
Antoine "Skills" Taylor #3 (season 4)
Quentin Fields #44 (seasons 5–6)
James "Jamie" Scott #12 (series finale; post-time jump)

Boys' junior varsity basketball[]

Mr. McCallum (season 1)


Main article: Tree Hill Ravens cheerleaders
Karen Roe (pre-series; late 1980s)
Morgan Finley (pre-series; early 2000s)
Brooke Davis (seasons 1–4)
Anna Sawyer (pre-series; early to mid-1980s)
Karen Roe (pre-series; late 1980s)
Shari Smith (pre-series; late 1980s)
Taylor James (pre-series; early 2000s)
Morgan Finley (pre-series; early 2000s)
Brooke Davis (seasons 1–4)
Bevin Mirskey (seasons 1–4)
Peyton Sawyer (seasons 1–4)
Haley James Scott (substitute in season 1; seasons 3–4)
Rachel Gatina (seasons 3–4)
Theresa (seasons 1–3)

Other athletic teams[]

Football team[]

To be expanded.

In addition to the school's basketball team, the Tree Hill Ravens were known to have their own football team, though they never appeared in the series. This is evidenced by the football stadium on Tree Hill High School's campus. It was under this field that the Class of 1988 buried their time capsule, as shown in season one when former student Karen Roe opened it early with the help of Larry Sawyer. ("To Wish Impossible Things")

See also[]
