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The Tree Hill Ravens basketball team are the official basketball team for Tree Hill High School in Tree Hill, North Carolina.


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Season 1[]

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Upon their introduction in the first season, the Tree Hill Ravens basketball team were under the guidance of their longtime coach, Whitey Durham. After an incident involving a stolen school bus and a joyride through town after the opening game of the season, half of the team's players were suspended for the remainder of the season due to reckless behavior in the series premiere. While the students involved had been led by star player Nathan Scott, he and his best friend, Tim Smith, were able to escape punishment when the arresting officers let them go. ("Pilot")

Faced with the complications of a reduced roster, Coach Durham was approached by Keith Scott about the possibility of recruiting his nephew, Lucas Scott. While he was initially hesitant to the idea due to the complicated family history between Lucas and his half-brother Nathan, Whitey was swayed upon watching Lucas play on the River Court. Despite winning the competition against Nathan to determine whether he would join the team, Lucas fell victim to constant harassment from several of his team members upon officially joining the team, with only Jake Jagielski voicing his support. ("The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most")

Later in the season, Nathan briefly quit the team before rejoining it.

Season 2[]

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Season 3[]

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Lucas Scott quits the team due to his heart condition.

Season 4[]

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The Ravens won their first State Championship in their school's history in 2005, leading to widespread local fame for the Tree Hill basketball team. This was also the last Ravens game to be coached by Whitey Durham, who officially retired after the end of the season.


Season 5[]

This season was coached by former Tree Hill Ravens and alumni Lucas Scott, Nathan Scott, and Skills Taylor. Despite a rocky season, they were able to come back with the leadership of Quentin Fields, a troublesome player who changed his ways thanks to the mentorship of Nathan and his wife, Haley.

Lucas was ejected from the last game of the tournament after grabbing a player from the opposing team who had insulted him.

Season 6[]

The second season to be coached by Nathan, Lucas, and Skills. It was marred early on by the murder of star player Quentin Fields, who had been shot during a robbery. The team pursued through the season with only a four-man lineup, reserving the last spot for Quentin, whose jersey was also retired by Lucas. This is the last season to be coached by the three as Lucas left Tree Hill following his marriage to Peyton, Nathan joined the NBA as a member of the Charlotte Bobcats, and Skills became a coach for Nathan's son, Jamie's school.

Later years[]

Season 9[]

In the series finale time jump, Jamie is shown as having broken his dad's career scoring record. His #12 hangs in the gym next those of Nathan (#23), Quentin (#44) and Whitey (#1).

Notable members[]

Boys' varsity basketball[]

Brian "Whitey" Durham (seasons 1–4)
Daniel "Dan" Scott (substitute; season 1)
Lucas Scott and Antoine "Skills" Taylor (seasons 5–6)
Daniel "Dan" Scott (pre-series; late 1980s)
Nathan Scott (seasons 1–4)
Lucas Scott (co-captain; seasons 3–4)
Brian "Whitey" Durham #1 (pre-series; 1950s)
Daniel "Dan" Scott #33 (pre-series; late 1980s)
Keith Scott #22 (pre-series; late 1980s)
Jake Jagielski #00 (season 1)
Lucas Scott #3, later #22 (seasons 1–4)
Nathan Scott #23 (seasons 1–4)
Timothy "Tim" Smith #55, later #0 (seasons 1–3)
Antoine "Skills" Taylor #3 (season 4)
Quentin Fields #44 (seasons 5–6)
James "Jamie" Scott #12 (series finale; post-time jump)

Boys' junior varsity basketball[]

Mr. McCallum (season 1)

Retired jersey numbers[]

Retired pre-series
#1 (Whitey Durham)
Retired in 2006
#33 (Dan Scott)
Retired in 20XX
#23 (Nathan Scott)
Retired in 2012
#44 (Quentin Fields)
Retired in 20XX
#12 (Jamie Scott)

See also[]
